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Free Challenge VIP Pass
Description of VIP Pass
Forest Row App Gold Events Entry
Save $27
Forest Row App Silver Directory Entry
6 Months - Save $18
Forest Row App Bronze Directory Entry
Monthly until cancelled
Element 1
30% Discount
SHEER Immune - 50g Retail Bar
Mastering Music Releases VIP UPGRADE
Bonuses to get you started on successful independent music releases
Sacred Sound Community Membership - YEARLY SPECIAL
A full years membership - DISCOUNT!
Sacred Sound Community - PAYMENT PLAN 3
$150.00 / month - 3 total
Total Price $450 (over 3 months $150 x 3)
Sacred Sound Community - MONTHLY
$55.00 / month
Pay $55 per month
21 Secrets To Music Marketing Success
5 Steps To Music Release Success
Follow these 5 simple steps to help you create an amazing music release experience and grow your streams and music fans.
1 Hour Music Marketing Success Coaching
Do you need extra help to answer the questions you have on how to be successful with your music online. Book this powerful coaching session to give you a head start and a plan to follow.
5 Steps To Music Release Success (Free Course)
5 Steps To Mastering Music Releases Video Training Course - A video course that takes you step by step through the whole process of releasing your music.

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Ut sodales tortor tristique

  • ​In volutpat augue et egestas lobortis. Cras dignissim lorem ut tincidunt tempus.
  • ​Donec sodales porta odio, eu hendrerit lacus aliquet et. Vestibulum interdum rhoncus odio, nec ullamcorper tellus.
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Vestibulum porttitor vestibulum

Jane Doe

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Quisque nec sollicitudin enim. Nulla facilisi. Ut tincidunt tortor eget facilisis porta.

John Doe

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